Our Mission
The mission of Jesus Saves Racing, that was established by Formula One driver Alex Ribeiro and continues today, is to share the great things that Jesus has done for us with the world of motorsport across all aspects of the sport, by placing the simple message Jesus Saves before drivers, their teams and the spectators. However we treat life on the surface, we all think of eternity. Where did we come from? What are we doing here? What happens when we inevitably die? These are life’s big questions and Jesus Saves Racing is here to help other motorsport lovers find answers to these questions for themselves.
In addition to our racing activity and visibility at race meetings we make ourselves available to church and parachurch organisations to host outreach events, welcoming guests to experience racing for themselves and hear our story, to talk about the life changing things Jesus has done for us and in turn what He can do for others.
We also travel to churches and schools for evangelistic events and use the car and team for street events to promote the gospel, taking motorsport out to the community to show how Jesus cares about every area of life, wherever we are.
The Jesus Saves Racing team is comprised of people who have spent some or all of their careers in motorsport. We know how to compete, to win races and championships, there is a serious sporting focus to our team but at the same time we strive to be an effective Christian presence, making a real difference to the lives of those around us amongst the fun of competition!